Big mover. No independent steps yet, but she can pull to stand, walk along the couch, walk all the way around the coffee table and can walk across the room pushing her walker. Super cute! If she needs to get somewhere quickly, watch out- she will just crawl across the floor. Dirt, mud, food, doesn't matter what's in the way- she will crawl right through it.
She likes to boogie. She has some favorite songs (every target commercial she will dance to), and her absolute favorite song is the Robin Thicke song. She will sway left and right, up and down, and did a new dance with auntie mere (via facetime) tonight that looked like a karate-chop. Not so sure about that one...
She eats mostly table foods, supervised, and chopped into little pieces. She can eat breads, sandwiches, chicken, veggies (as long as they are cooked and not hard/raw), cheese, etc. She got a little piece of brownie on my birthday, and just about tore across me to get the rest of the brownie. She liked the chocolate. She prefers to feed herself, little miss independent. And forget a spoon. Nope- she's not going to have that. Tonight she had oatmeal, but nope- wouldn't take a spoon! Had to eat it with her hands. Hot-mess.
Tooth count? Two bottom teeth. Top left tooth is in full, top right tooth is coming in, and second top left tooth is coming in. (Yep- I don't know the official names of all the teeth, don't sue me).
She has quite a little vocabulary: she can say Mama, dada, nana, mere-mere (she even sang the mere-mere song today, haha!), hey, bye bye, kitty, yum, eeee (please?), "tut-tut" (turtle), and has a cute babble stream, and has gotten to the point of repeating sounds that we make.
She is terrified of teddy-bears.
Milestones on her 11-month birthday:
- this morning, she reached and gave me a hug. Wrapped her arms around me, tucked her head in, and said "mm-mmm". Brings tears to my eyes. :)
- She blew nana a kiss this afternoon! Without prompting. She will sometimes wave bye-bye, and will more frequently give high-fives when asked. And it's almost like she knows what we are saying, because at appropriate times she will smack her hand to her face (thinking "oh gosh mommy!", or will laugh if there is a joke. Perfect timing!
- She drank from a straw today! I gave her a sippy cup with a straw, and she sipped water up and drank over half of the sippy-cup.
- She ate an entire squeeze-applesauce by herself. And then ate a cheese-stick. Still wanting more, I gave her an oatmeal and a spoon to play and learn. She dipped the spoon in the oatmeal, and let it drip... everywhere. Haha! But she did allow a few bites to be spoon-fed by mommy, and then felt the need to self-feed with her hand... oatmeal everywhere!!!!
This month she had a little stomach bug. Poor baby missed two days of school and had some really rancid diarrhea (sorry, but it was nasty! Not that diarrhea is ever fun, but it was just disgusting.) One night she woke up screaming, and there was poo all over her crib, sheets, pjs, mattress, oh the nastiness of all nasty. She didn't have a fever, and got an a-okay checkup from the physician that day, we just had to concentrate on hydration.
(She's wearing an amber teething necklace. I'm not sure that it works, but she doesn't seem to cry and scream without reason as much as she did before. Now down't get me wrong, she does cry and scream, but it's usually because she is tired or wants something that she can't have- like the cat tail or mommy's dinner).
Nursing is still going well- She is taking in less milk than a few months ago because she is eating more food. A lot more food! I've made it 91% of the way (11/12 months so far), and I think we are going to make it until we can start introducing cow-milk.
Cadence was such a good baby this last weekend- we went to MEMPHIS to visit Auntie Mere. She laughed on the plane ride there, walked with mommy around the airport, was a "go anywhere, easy-going" baby! Ate on the go, snuggles with mom, nana and auntie mere. Slept... well, Thursday and Friday night she slept great. She fussed a little bit going down (okay, so she screamed. It's payback to auntie-mere's neighbors that are loud), but then slept all night. Saturday, she woke up at 4:30 am, and would fall asleep in your arms, but would NOT let you lay her down. She would wake up in an instant and scream. She does that occasionally. It's nice to know that she wants cuddles, but it is a bit exhausting. It's cute to come downstairs and see her asleep on the couch with daddy though :)
She didn't skip a beat- as soon as auntie-mere came to pick us up at the airport she smiled and reached out for her! Within minutes she was talking up a storm "mere-mere!!!"
So many people read this, and I'm so blessed to have so much love for our sweet little "princess". She sure is a diva and keeps us moving, but she also shows love and understands what family is all about.
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