Speaking of mobility...
She crawls. Everywhere. and is very curious. Of course she likes to play with her toys, and usually they roll away. So she chases them. It's so cute! She crawls well on the carpet, but not so well on the hard floor when she is wearing her pajamas- it's kind of like baby crawling on a treadmill. She just stays in the same place. Haha! She can make all kinds of transitions, from lying down to sititng up, from sitting to crawling, and she is trying to pull up to stand but can't quite figure out how to get her feet underneath her. In the middle of the floor, she will put her weight on her hands and feet and lift her butt up in the air.
The girl still has a paci addiction. Paci's are all over the house! We travel with a bag full of paci's.
Communication: She has recently become frustrated, especially in the evenings. She wants something, or someone, specific but is unable to let us know. So she screams until we guess (or find something else) what will make her happy. It could be food, milk, toys, no clue- we just guess until she's smiling again. She can (not always will, but she can) say dada, mama, hey, bye bye, kiy (like kitty without the t's), and she said BIRD for Nana.
She's specific when she's tired- she knows the routine and will start rubbing her eyes, especially when she is nursing. Once she's done nursing, we tell daddy "night night" and I take her upstairs, sing her goodnight song, and lay her down in the crib. No fussing, she may play for a minute or two but she goes right to sleep. Usually this happens around 7:30.
Sometimes she cries and you ask her what she wants, and if it's right she will shake her head yes. "Do you want dada?" shakes her head yes. It's so sweet.
She is a little stinker! JR went to leave the house one morning and he said "bye bye" to Cadence. She started crying. So he picked her up and gave her some kisses. She looked at me and grinned, as if she was saying "haha I got this!". Then, daddy puts her back in the exercauser and she starts crying again. So he has to leave for work with baby looking like this:
She has moved up to the little movers class at daycare (first day 7/8/13). Very different. She is in a class with children that wear shoes. They walk, and talk a lot. They eat real food. They are so much bigger than her. It scares me a little bit to think of her with those big kids (okay, they are not much older in the grand scheme of things, but they are milestones away from her). I'm afraid she will get trampled over.
She has quickly picked up big kid tasks though. She says "bye bye, hey, dada, momma, bababa, kiiiy" and will sometimes mimic sounds and babble randomly. She does this weird yoga-pose i mentioned earlier: butt straight up in the air, both feet on the floor and hands on the floor, like she's trying to push up to stand. Crazy! She will pull up on her knees, but doesn't bother standing because she sees something more interesting on the floor.
She throws her paci's out of the crib every morning if she's left in there too long. She said "mama!" one morning when I came in, looked at the paci's on the floor and chuckled as I walked to the bathroom. When I was out of sight she said... "mama??" ... as if she was saying "are you going to pick up these paci's?"
She can clap! If you ask her where patty-cake is, she will start clapping. Well, she does this pretty inconsistently- but she can clap.
She has a tooth coming in on the top- it hasn't cut yet, but it's definitely coming in (drool, loose stools, agitation, and little bump on the top gum).
weight: 16 lb, 6.5 0z (25%)
length: 26.75 (25%)
head: 48cm (95%)
Blood work looked great. No concerns from the doctor!
Favorite Toys: Balls (they roll and she chases them), sophie (it's a fancy giraffe, although the first time she held it and she squeezed the squeak mechanism she dropped the toy and cried. Now she loves it), textures
Favorite foods: cinnamon applesauce, peaches, plums, bananas.
Not-so favorite foods: squash, zucchini, sweet potatoes (unless mixedwith cinnamon applesauce), carrots.
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