So eight months...
Mobility: She crawled on her eight month birthday! Since seven months she had mastered getting up on all fours and rocking forward/backward, but could not figure out how to shift her weight to either hand to crawl forwards. She would end up just rolling on her back. But on June 25, we were playing in her room after bathtime while daddy was cooking dinner. She started "patting" the floor, so I yelled for JR to come upstairs. When he walked through the threshold of the room, she crawled a foot forward to him! It was an amazing experience to be able to watch her crawl for the first time together. She can also go from lying down to sitting up- Auntie Mere went to go pick her up out of the pack n'play at the beach and *SURPRISE* cadence was sitting up waiting for her! The next night at home, after putting her to bed for the evening, JR checked the monitor and saw that she was sitting up with a paci in each hand, "walking" them across the front of the crib. I just knew that she would be pulling to stand at any moment- and HAD to go in there and lower her crib. 9pm - tools - get baby out of bed. I couldn't sleep without lowering the crib, don't judge! :)
Food: still the same at 7 months. I'm thinking about adding another meal during the day and feeding more "real" food in the evenings. Pumping/breastfeeding is still going well, but recently my production has decreased (I was home sick today so I'm hoping that my production will increase once i re-hydrate).
Favorite toys: teapot that maks noises, lily rabbit, ribbit, exercauser. She loves crawling for lint on the floor. She likes the cats, and likes to crawl towards them - but says "UGH" when they move away.
Her crib has at least five paci's, a toy and a big soft ball with tags all over it (from Grandma!). She will wake up and play with toys and pacis... sometimes it looks like she is organizing the paci's!
Sweet summertime:
I love how her smile lights up her face.
I love how her hair is growing in (no more-mullet), and it is red!
I love how she reaches out to touch your face, which is how she says "I love you".
I love how her little personality is showing - she fights sleep like her mommy, but sleeps well like her daddy. She rolls around like her mommy, but lets hope she doesn't steal the covers or "burrito" herself in the covers like her daddy.
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