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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Seven months

Today my sweet angel is seven months old. Everyone tells you that time will fly by- but you don't realize that until time flies by!

Let's jump in to talking about my awesome baby. 
Mobility: she is so close to army-crawling and she just can't stand it. She can roll across the floor, scoot backwards (on her tummy and her belly- and her favorite is to scoot out of the diaper as you try to put it on, fun!). While on her belly, she can push up on her hands, or do a yoga "downward dog" pose. She pulls her little legs up underneath her and can somewhat scoot forward, but often ends up pushing so hard she rolls onto her back. And gets frustrated.

Sitting up independently sort of developed overnight. We were supposed to have pictures taken April 20, and ended up getting them taken May 1 due to rain. In that time, she practiced really hard her trunk strength and was able to be pictured all by herself sitting up! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. 

She can hold herself pretty well when you put your hands on her torso to stand. She puts good weight through her feet- and I believe (well, actually- I fear) she will be walking soon. 

Food: at school she gets 3 breast milk bottles 6oz each. She nurses before school and before bedtime (and I'm pumping 3-4 times/day getting somewhere between 16-22 oz). We still have a really good freezer supply - four gallon size ziplock bags full. 

She eats two "meals" a day - once at school and once at night. She loves apples and sweet potatoes with cinnamon, mango fruits and bananas. Doesn't care for squash or carrots. She likes feeding herself puffs or baby rice cakes. 

Sleep: she is so good! Bedtime around 8pm and wakes up between 6:30-7. She takes after her daddy and is a little hot box (I.e. she sweats) when she sleeps. 

(Fell asleep playing- hard core!)

Asleep with her eyes open- watching my every move as I blog away. (I promise I'm only telling the truth sweet pea, I want to remember everything you do!)

On that sweet note, she is also very particular about how she sleeps- she likes multiple paci's and toys in her crib. Paci's- if she wakes up in the night she will reach one and put it back in and go to sleep. Toys- keep her entertained when she wakes up in the morning. Otherwise she screams. 

And let me tell you. The child can scream. 

Water- she loves the water! She loves bath time, and we sing and play. Sometimes she is so dirty she has to be washed at Nana's house- in the kitchen sink!!! :)

Last weekend we went to Florida (will do a separate post), but she loved the pool! Can't wait to take her to the pool over Memorial Day weekend!

Helmet- next appointment is June 3, where he will rescan. It will be six weeks, so we are excited to see the progress. Hopefully we won't need it too much longer- but what a difference it has made!

Communication- we are working on sign language for "more", she has shown me a few times after a lot of patience. She has adapted a different way to tell me that she wants more: by hitting the tray of the high chair. Not very lady like, but hey she's communicating! She has said "dada" and "maaaaaaaamaaaaaa" (9 times out of ten the momma is associated with a screaming cry, so I'm not sure it counts). She babbles and giggles, which we have not been able to capture on video yet. 

I would like to teach her a few basics in sign language: more, please, thank you, diaper, food/hungry and milk. 

She still only has the two teeth which has not affected her nursing- she bit me three times, and (KNOCK ON WOOD) has not done it since. 

Toys are fun - she likes teethers, anything with a tag, tags and more tags, and crinkles. And tags. Satin toys and balls. Oh, and tags. 

Kitties are very intriguing for her. If they are close enough, she will touch them. We are working on gentle petting, because she instinctively does a forceful grab- which does not please the kitties. (Side note: I swear the other morning she said "itty!" when a cat jumped up on the couch. Nobody believes me, but I'm positive that's what she was saying!)

She is a hot mess! But I love her to pieces. 

And lastly, congrats to Auntie Mere on graduating from Pharmacy School. We must face time every week and visit as much as possible when you move to Memphis. We will miss you, but know you will be back soon!

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