Lots of new things to explore! Crawling EVERYWHERE. fast. whoa she's fast. And she will giggle as she is crawling. Cutest thing ever. She loves doing new things and exploring new places. When she meets new people or sees new things, she has a very "solemn" look. But then she turns the charm on.
She is a pro at pulling up to stand, and has started pushing up on her hands on toys to stand. It has been reported that she will let go of her stability surface to clap or reach for things, but she is not cruising (walking along furniture) yet. I wouldn't be suprised if she started that tomorrow though. She is learning new things every day, simply amazing! She can crawl up on the bottom stoop step... and can crawl up a few steps. Baby proof everything!!!! Everywhere.
She is really good at listening to "no ma'am" ... unless she is crawling. If she's getting into something she's not supposed to, she will stop. If she's pulling something off the carpet that she shouldn't eat, she will usually stop. But crawling away from you? Nope- she will continue.
She prefers to feed herself, she's little miss independent. Not sure where she got that trait from...
We decided to update her car seat because even though she is well under the weight limit for the baby carrier (she is 17lb and the limit was 30lb), the length was starting to get a little short. It was also extremely heavy to get her in and out of the car and switch the seat with her in it. Lots of back pain and grunts later, we decided to get the new carseat. (Of course we had to get two, one for Mom's car and one for Nana's car).
- Frozen wash cloth: She looked at it like it was a scary animal. Wouldn't touch it. Didn't like the cold.
- cold teethers: work okay, but she doesn't really like the "squishiness"
- solid teethers: her fav. She will bite the crap out of them.
- Amber teething necklace: on order. This is a long stretch. There are people that swear by the amber properties of decreasing pain. I'm not sure I buy into it, but if it will potentially help ease some of her pain, I will try anything. I have ordered it, and she will supposidely need to wear it for a few days straight to get the benefits of the amber. Will keep you posted on this.
words: Mama, dada, bird, "girl"??, "go"??, byebye, ki-e (kitty), hey, and some random babbling. She will talk a lot, especially at home. :)
Sweet baby.
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