33 week appointment! Went very well. My ob is very pleased with my weight gain (only 22.6 lbs for total pregnancy). My BP is steady - no issues or concerns at 108/58. Baby Rabys HR is good- strong in the 150s.
No issues seen- next visit is a big one. They are doing another ultrasound (yay!!!) to see how big she is (or how much she weighs / her length). The weight will be an estimate (plus or minus 1 lb).
Big belly!!! She sure does stick out. One of my patients with dementia asked me this week "Wow, you're pregnant every day!! So how many babies do you have?" Haha!!!! I feel like she has started to drop, but she's in between. I still feel pressure on my ribs, but the pressure on my pelvis has slightly increased. Yes, I may have a slight waddle. Haha!! :)
So this weekend I will be 34 weeks, we are going to Raleigh for the weekend. It is my last out of town venture until she arrives!!! :)
JR is excited (though he won't admit it) I know he doesn't read the blog, so don't spoil the sweetness. I could tell when we found out we were expecting he was nervous and a little apprehensive. He was really excited when he saw her face (SKELETOR) on the ultrasound, and you can tell he loves her already the way his face lights up when she kicks his hand when he puts it on my belly. He also likes to see her bouncing. He is so excited.
I was excited at first, especially when we found out it was a girl (dresses, ballet, dolls, etc). I love feeling her bounce around, and I know she has a personality already. She loves music and calms down to a little rocking/cooing when I sing to her. I'm starting to get nervous, I think because there is a lot of unknown. Where will I be when labor starts? What will the experience be like? What will happen? I know it's not in my hands, but it will be here so quickly and I want to be as prepared as possible!!!
My list is made... I've started the stack of items that will go in my bag. After the Raleigh trip this weekend, we are going to install the carseat bases.
Just a few final touches in the nursery and I will post pictures!!
I leave you with some bump pictures...
black shirt is 32 weeks- prego from the side, but not from the front or back. It really confuses my dementia patients.
Purple shirt is 33 weeks!! Sticking out there!! :)
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