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Friday, September 21, 2012

35 appt

Wow I am a terrible blogger! I haven't updated in a while I'm sorry!!

So the docs wanted to see how big BR had gotten, so they performed another ultrasound. She is estimated to weigh about 5lbs, 15oz. They think at term she will weigh around 7lbs.

She of course was sleeping during the ultrasound, so we had to wake her up to get her to move where we could see her sweet face. She's got some chubby cheeks (see ultrasound picture). So from the picture, it's a "3D image" of just her face. Eyes at the top, open mouth at the bottom. She kept yawning :)

Can't wait for her to get here- I think everything is just about ready!
-All laundry is clean and put away
-Swing and bouncy seat are put together and ready (batteries installed)
-Pack n play is setup in master bedroom - ready for use as a nap station and a diaper changing station
-Nursery is nearly done (diaper genie ready for diapers, changing station ready, crib ready for a little sleeper!)

We just need to get the car seat bases in the car, and eventually put together the high chair (but we have plenty of time for that).

Looking into getting a deep freezer for garage to store freezer meals and backup store of breast milk.

It was weird to have a birthday while pregnant- I've been in such a gear to think of baby that I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do except have a lovely dinner with JR. One of my friends took me for a pedicure today which was fantastic! Haven't been able to reach my feet in a while...

Well hope everyone is well. I have an appointment every week until BR arrives. Sept 24, Oct 2, Oct 10, Oct 18. Due date is October 20. If she doesn't arrive by then, I have a scheduled induction on October 30 (basically the docs would break my water and give me medicine to make me go into labor). I have a feeling she will be here early..... We shall see!!!

Love to all!

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