Today's checkup went well!!
Timeline: 31 weeks, 2 days. Size comparison to a of a head of lettuce (actually about 19in, about 3.9 lbs in size). 8 wks, 5 days left. Measuring on cue, still due date of October 20.
Total weight gain: so far, 22 lbs. Doing great!
Vitals: my BP 100/58. Looks good! Her HR, 130s. Looks good!
Swelling: oh my poor piggies. They are fat. Some slight pitting edema in the ankles. Wedding ring- well lets just say I have a 2+ size up fake replacement to temporarily wear (gotta love Target).
Placement: baby is head down, butt to the left, long legs all the way to the right. Which explains my right sided rib tenderness..
Movement: in the evenings, she moves around about 10 times in the hour. If you poke her, she will kick you back.
Temperament: I'm in a bit of freak out mode. Ready to meet her and hold her, but a little nervous because we don't have everything quite ready yet. (hello.... we all know I like to be super prepared, 100% control freak- and I just keep breathing and tell myself it will be okay.) She's going to come whenever she wants to come - whether that be early, on time, or late- and whether we are ready or not. "Ready or not, here I come!!" :)
Looking forward to the next 8ish weeks.
My prediction- that she will come a little early, on 10/11/12. :)
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