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Saturday, April 28, 2012

land sickness

I can honestly say that I am blessed. I have (so far) had a very good pregnancy. JR is probably cringing saying in his head "That is bologna and you know it!!!" So let me explain. No complications. I have had no bleeding, no cramping, no pain, no major headaches, no worries from the physician. Every time we go for a checkup, everything seems to be going smoothly and just right. That being said, I am still having occasional sickness. And it's very sporadic.. some days I'm completely fine. Othed days I am running to the toilet and eating extremely bland foods. But I have to say, if that is what a healthy baby makes- I am definitely not complaining. JR keeps saying "this is a difficult pregnancy to everyone", but I don't think that is the case. Well, yes I am sick, but on the other hand I have had no major complications as of yet. Yes I am tired, but I have a superhuman power of creating another life inside of my abdomen- I think that may create a little fatigue in just about anyone! :) I am officially in my second trimester (currently at 15 weeks gestation), but I'm hopeful I will begin to feel better and better... and maybe eventually get that pregnancy glow. It's amazing how our bodies are designed and created. God created women's bodies specifically to create, carry, and deliver the amazing gift of life into this world. As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, things begin to take a change (on the inside and on the outside). The most important, somewhat unseen, change is decreased peristalsis in the intestinal tract. Peristalsis (for my non-medical friends) is basically your digested food being moved from your stomach to exit your body- but in the process your body is extracting nutrients from your intestinal highway. Kind of like a train traveling down multiple stops, and delivering cargo (cargo full of nutrients for our bodies). Well in pregnancy, this train slows down (which can lead to train traffic jam - aka constipation). It's an important slowing process, however, because this is how the body extracts enough nutrients for the baby. The amazing thing with all of that explination is that even though I may be getting sick (more frequently than anyone would care to see, at some points it seems) - BR is getting enough nutrients to develop and grow into a healthy little monster. Mommy may not be receiving the 100% optimal amount of nutrition from the train-delivering process, but I am tring my darndest to eat a nutritious balanced diet- drinking plenty of water and taking my prenatal and regular vitamins every day (per my doctors recommendations). :) Yay for the way God created us and how science works. I love science, and yes I am a nerd. :) We have two very important appointments coming up soon. 1- April 30. They do the cervix check and make sure all of my "lady parts" are sitting appropriately and behaving themselves. They will do an ultrasound with this, and *may* be able to see if BR is a little boy or a little girl! It may be a little too soon, but if BR feels like showing off their goods that day, then we will be able to pick our nursery theme! :) 2- May 15. The scheduled appointment to find out the sex of our baby! This appointment is also important because they perform measurements on BR's important little organs to make sure she (or he) is developing just right. We want her (or him) to be the healthiest baby possible! Aloha :)

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