Her hip was borderline, and to make sure proper healing occurs, we have to wear the brace for 6 more weeks. Sigh.
The brace is nasty. I figured I would ask about purchasing a second brace to always have her in a clean one... and they cost $300. Yeah no. When we came home today I cleaned the brace really well. She will wear cute bibs from here on out!
The hardest part is not dressing up my baby girl. No nightgowns, no cute little matching sets. Yes, I understand the importance of the brace - of course, I'm a physical therapist! I have recommended so many braces and support devices for my patients, and I definitely have a newfound respect for devices (and I'm not even the one wearing it!). I miss the sweet outfits and dresses, but for now we will stick with the onesies. And bibs. We have a ton of bibs so this works perfect! And hairbows. Guess I can warrent getting some more of those huh? Anyway, Cadence didn't have that many outfits 0-3 months (Though oh my goodness she has a ton of 3 months - 2 years!) I will never take for granted the ability to change my daughters clothes- she may wear multiple outfits in one day! And tutus on the weekends.
Baby girl has been a box of smiles lately. She loves when I play with her cheeks and double chin.
Funny story from today; baby girl and I were cuddling this morning and we had fallen asleep on the couch. She fell asleep with the paci in her mouth. Woke up about an hour later and oh no! NO PACI. Could not find it anywhere. Could not get up of the couch to get another (she is very particular and only likes Nuk's and soothies, the avent and tommee tipee's will not suffice). Where is the dang thing? Did it fall on the floor, no. In the couch, no. Hm... baby girls hand always makes it way down the front of my shirt, between my boobs. She likes to put her little hand down there while I feed her, or as we cuddle. And yep, that is where her paci was placed. I guess a safe hiding spot. (Aunt Meredith said she wouldn't give away her super secret hiding spot). Look closely below, do you see the paci??
So we are in the process of packing up our home to move. We are blessed at the opprotunities that have been provided, but it is definitely bittersweet. I didn't realize we had so many items until we had to pack them. My goodness gracious. Boxes everywhere. The most difficult part is baby girls nursery. We worked hard to set it up just perfect her. Her first place that we would love on her and a special room just for her (well, and guests too). She hasn't even been up there- I couldn't go upstairs for 2 weeks after surgery, then we had guests up until 6 weeks. And now we're moving. But I need to be positive - in the new house, she will have her OWN room. And it doesn't bother her, it only bothers me. I know this.
JR laughs at me, saying I'm "too overprotective". Well, I like to make sure she's safe. I want to make sure that she is comfortable, laying right, and breathing. That her paci hasn't fallen out (or that she has hidden it somewhere crazy), and that her brace isn't cutting into her skin. I know I can't hover always, but I have the free time now so I'm taking full advantage. And when she's a teenager I can hover and worry from a distance. And when she is grown and has a daughter of her own, I can help when she calls and says "I can't help being overprotective"!
Life is good. I am thankful for all that we have and for having all that is important: I love my husband, my daughter, and my family and friends. :)
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