8 week doctors appointment.
Cadence weighs in at 11.3 lbs, in the 71% (meaning that only 30% of babies on average weigh more than her at this age)
Height at 22.5 in, in the 64%. Head circumference 15.94, at 89%. Gosh shes so smart!
At her 8 week doctors appointment she had to get 3 shots (2 in left thigh and 1 in right thih) and drink a cocktail too. She was so upset going into the appointment, like she knew something was going to happen. She screamed in the lobby, making another baby cry too. Bad cadence!
Everything at the appointment went well, she was nice and calm and showed the pediatrician all of the typical milestones a two-month old should be doing (more alert during the day, tracking items held ahead of her, smiles and coos). The doctor said she was sad to see cadence go (we have to switch doctors because we are moving).
I know that "Cadence" is a different name, but it is an actual word:
Because we are moving, our orthopedic in greenville referred us to a pediatric orthopedic in Raleigh/Durham. So.... Friday morning she had an appointment at 8:30 AM at Duke childrens orthopedics. The resident came in and asked a ton of questions, and fiddled with the brace (he had obviously never seen the pavlik harness because he unhooked it completely wrong. I had to help him... Ok he was struggling and it was driving me crazy so I did it for him). The attending (specialist) then came in and asked the same questions. I dont mind having "students" - it is necessary for their education, and it gives me the opportunity to ask questions and listen to their questions and the physicians explinations. Its a nice benefit, because I'm a litle bit curious (ok, I'm a know-it-all). I answered all of the attendings questions about her history, filled him in on her medical history from cesarian to yesterday. He did the physicial exam and her hip felt fine. And I mean he pushed really hard on her hip- and it did not dislocate! Felt normal on exam. He said "I feel comfortable with her only wearing the brace at night, and I will see you back in a few weeks." Heaven! Wasn't I just complaining about not being able to wear cute outfits? What a prayer answered! Just in time for Christmas- we can wear pretty Christmas things. :)
Goodnight! Be good- and I will let you know in a few days what Santa brought me. :)
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