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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Childbirth class

We had mixed advice about the childbirth class. Some people said "oh, no need- you will learn as you go". Some said not to waste our money. Some said it just simply was a waste of time.

Well we didn't listen. JR and I are of the same kind- we like to be well prepared for anything and everything we do. I make lists (I already have a binder of things prepared for birth and things I need for after delivery- FMLA, short term disability, daycare, etc) and Johnathan is always prepared and armed with all information necessary. So we decided to take the class- at least it would be a good bonding experience for us.

Our class is in a 3 part series over 3 Tuesday evenings- and we just went to our first class. We had a great time. The instructor had a lot of great visuals to coincide with the information (to show us exactly what 10cm looks like, where the birth canal sits in the pelvis)- yes I'm a super nerd and I liked the pelvis and the anatomy diagrams.

We learned the difference between real labor and false labor (I.e. Braxton hicks contractions that are not consistent). And when to go to the hospital. Five things to know when to go to the hospital- when your water breaks, when contractions are 4-6 minutes apart, if there is bleeding, if you have trauma to belly, and if the baby stops moving.

She went over the different kinds of pain medications, epidural, when to get these meds- and when you may not need them.

Next week we will get a tour of the hospital birth center and go over breathing techniques. I'm excited about the tour- there are two different options at our hospital. One is a birth suite- where you labor, deliver, and recover all in one room. And the baby stays in the room with mom and dad. The second option is a labor and delivery room, then a transfer to a small hospital room for recovery. The baby stays in the room with mom and dad, but may go to the nursery. I believe I would prefer the suite- but I (of course, you know me) want to see them in person.

Side note: my husband is mean. I can't have milk or ice cream (without it returning), and he eats a huge bowl of our favorite, delicious chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream... Right next to me as I enter my blog post. Hateful.

Love to all!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man... I loved our child birthing classes too. I thought it was good to learn about all the different choices you have so you don't get caught off guard when the doctor or midwife suggest doing something different. I thought we were going to have Kendall stay with us the whole time, but I have to say, it was nice having the nurses take her to the nursery at night so I could get some sleep! (Although they did roll her back in for feedings every 3 or so hours).
