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Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Ok so I know I haven't posted in a while.  sorry sorry sorry.

Overall I'm doing pretty good.  Cadence is very, very active.  She likes to kick a lot, especially after 6pm (until 2am sometimes).  JR has been able to feel her move, and has even seen her kicking the belly.  Crazy baby! :)

I had my last "monthly" appointment on July 26th, and I was 27 weeks pregnant.  From 27 weeks until 36 weeks, I go to the doctor every other week.  After 36 weeks, it becomes a weekly occurrence.  They will start to measure dilation and all of that good stuff.  So at my last appointment I had the infamous 1-hour glucose test that they give every pregnant woman at 27 weeks.  I chose Fruit Punch flavor - it tasted like a flat or less-sugar version of Hawaiian Punch.  Not terrible (not very tasty, but not terrible).  They tested my blood sugar after 1 hour to see how my body responded.  I have gained 18 lbs in pregnancy, which my doctor is thrilled with.  I'm right on the mark.  Baby is measuring good.  I was given a "kick count" sheet... and from here on out, every night, I have to time how long it takes me to get 10 kicks/motions.  Day 1 (Monday July 30) it took me about 45 minutes.  Day 2 (Tuesday July 31) it took me about 35 minutes.  I tell you, she's a crazy kicking baby! :)

So about this one hour glucose test- I failed.  It needs to be less than 130, and my glucose reading was at 152.  Yikes, a bit high.  It was done at 3:00 pm, and I had eaten two meals that day.  So they will retest. Tomorrow (Wednesday Aug 1) at 8am.  Fasting.  Can't have anything after midnight.  I have already pre-warned the office.  Two bad combinations.  8am and fasting.... it's not going to be a pretty pregnant lady walking (I don't think I'm waddling yet) through those doors.  SO, at 8am I will drink my not so terrible less-sugar version of Hawaiian Punch (we'll see how good it tastes on an empty stomach at 8am).  Then they test my blood glucose every hour. Until 11am.  And I get to sit in the office, from 8am - 11am.  Yes, I will take my iPad. 
      If the results come back less than 130, then I am in the clear.  No worries.
     IF THE RESULTS come back more than 130, I will be considered to have "gestational diabetes" and will have to test my levels an hour after every single meal, and I will have to diet.  Not the end of the world, but not so much fun either.  It doesn't mean I would have diabetes forever - it just means that by being pregnant, my body doesn't handle insulin/glucose the same way it did before.  They monitor sugar levels because you can be more likely to give birth to higher weight babies.  I have a close friend in Greenville that experienced gestational diabetes, so I have a good support system if these are the results.

So, also at this last visit, I received my first shot of RhoGam.  Because my blood type is Rh negative, it can pose difficulties if the baby is Rh positive.  So they give a shot to the mom to prevent antibodies from forming, thus preventing complications.  A necessary shot.  Once Cadence is born, they will test her blood type (through the cord blood), and verify if her Rh factor is negative or positive.  If she has Rh positive blood, I will receive another shot of RhoGam to prevent complications/issues for future conceptions/pregnancies.  (Don't flip out - this doesn't necessarily mean that we are planning or not planning for a second child. It's standard protocol and done for health and safety.)

Okay fun notes....
I have had 2 baby showers so far - and they were both Fantastic!  One in Lenoir with family and family-friends there, and the second was in Greenville.  JR, Cadence and I are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends because we received some amazing gifts, though I'm pretty sure this little girl has more clothes than she will ever need.  HER CLOSET IS PRETTY FULL (will try to post a picture), and I have organized her dressers fairly well.... for now. 
Left to do for the nursery:
-order the wall decal for above her bed
-make and hang her mobile
-hang floating shelves on small wall and above changing table
-assemble: stroller and carseat

Ok enough for now.  I need to try to get some sleep in.... wish me luck on 3-hour glucose test in AM. 
lots of love!! :)

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