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Thursday, June 14, 2012

fantastic-o appointment

What a great appointment!  I'm currently 21 weeks and 5 days.

The doctor *Loves* BR's name.  Cadence Emily.  Everyone at the office loves it, and of course says it fits JR and I just perfectly (they know I'm a PT and hubby is a runner). 

So all about Cadence: Her heart rate was good and strong at 152.  Previous bloodwork came back perfectly.  No abnormalities seen on the last scan (no risk for trisomy, no heart defects seen).  She looks perfect.

The OB said that because I'm thin that Cadence is sitting pretty high.  She is (of course), pushing against my diaphragm - getting some early trampoline training in.  This is creating some reflux issues, so the doctor gave me a prescription for zantac to diminish the heartburn I have been experiencing for the last week.  I haven't been nauseous in about a month, but the last week I've had issues with lots and lots of burping (moreso than usual for me), and sometimes breakfast comes back up when brushing teeth or a large burp in the morning.  So zantac should help eliminate some of those issues. 

I have (to date) gained only 9 pounds.  The OB says this is perfect!  It's all baby and all things baby (water, placenta, amniotic fluid, etc) and she says I look fantastic and healthy.  I love my OB. :)

Upcoming appointments:

July 12 at 8:15 am.  - 25 weeks, just a standard follow-up appointment for measurements and vitals (like today).
July 26 at 9:15 am.  - 27 weeks, Glucose Tolerance Test. (*see below)
August 2 at 1:00pm. -28 weeks.  they will look at blood type and Rho Gam (*see below)


*Glucose tolerance test: I will go in and drink a large, orange sugary drink.  Then wait an hour.  Then they will check my blood glucose level.  This is to see how my body is processing and relating sugars.  I'm not a diabetic, but sometimes in pregnancy women will have issues with glucose tolerance and have "gestational diabetes".  It's not very common and it does not run in my family, so I'm pretty sure I will be just fine.  But they perform this test on every pregnant woman around 28 weeks just to make sure. :)

*Blood type and screen:  They do this for every pregnant woman as well.  I know that I have blood type A-, but don't know yet what type Cadence has.  Because I have the negative blood type, it can cause issues if Cadence's blood type is positive.  So they will give a dose of RhoGam at 28 weeks and I believe again at delivery (or maybe at 36 weeks).  I will have more information on this at a later date.  Everything is fine, just a precaution they take to make sure that mommy and baby stay healthy. :)

NURSERY: As far as the nursery, I'm going to stay with yellow & gray with some accents of purple.  Purple was my grandmothers favorite color, and in her honor (because she passed away last week), I decided to add a little bit of color to the yellow and gray.  We haven't done much in regards to the nursery.  I have the crib (so cute), and it's partly put together.  I have fabric to make a crib skirt, and we are just going to have plain sheets.  They recommend that cribs NOT have crib bumpers placed, so we will be skipping that for her safety. :) I have to re-arrange the room for optimal furniture placement, but I will certainly post some pictures as things get going!

Hope everyone is doing well! 

Aloha for now! :)

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, I love it that you are going to use mom's favorite color in your nursery! How sweet! She would have loved that. Aunt Ann
