So I lie. We have been super super busy.
Four months came and went - and then all of a sudden it's five months. What?!?
I'm going to try my best to remember four month stats...
Weight 13 lbs, 11 oz. 50%
25 inches long. 75%
Head circumference: 98%. WHOA!
She is tracking things left and right, reaching for them, and will hold objects given to her but quickly drops or loses interst. She can roll to her side to play with items, but still prefers her back for most positions. For play time, she can hold her head up and sit to play in the bumbo.
Started solid foods at four months- and that was a lot messy! Sweet potatoes everywhere.
In her fourth month we traveled up to the mountains to visit family and for her dedication!
Five months. Last month really flew by, I need to stop the clock and spend some time with sweet pea!
Milestones: She can roll over to her belly quite frequently. Sometimes she filps onto her belly in her sleep, then gets mad- because flipping to her back is not quite as easy. Somehow her long arms get in her way! She mostly sleeps on her side though; as soon as i lay her down, she rolls onto her right side. Just like mommy. :)
She has started to giggle- and roll with the giggles. Last night, as I was giving her a bath, I sang "boom boom aint it great to be crazy", an old song from my childhood. She laughed and laughed and laughed.
Playtime is a lot of fun, because she will giggle, blow raspberries, drool and babble. She will pick items up and hold them out pondering "what in the world is this thing?" and then decide that it needs further investigation, i.e. putting it in her mouth. While on her belly she can push up on her arms, OR lift her butt in the air. Can't do both of those tasks simultaneously, but that will happen soon- and then we will be in trouble (i.e. she will be crawling soon). She LOVES her bouncy "office" (see picture below).
And lets talk about her hairdo. She must get this from her daddy. She has long "peach fuzz" type hair all over her head. That's fine with me. But what is this mohawk business? It's thicker on the top middle for some reason, and then she has this little rat tail on the back of her head at the top of her neck. Doesn't make sense to me, but she is still stinkin cute!
She loves the stroller and going for rides- she is big enough to fit in the stroller without the carseat attachment, but she prefers to look at what mommy is doing during our walks. Soon enough she will be interested in the birds and flowers and doggies, etc.
Clothes: She can still wear 3 month onesies pretty consistently. Carters 3 months still fit, but probably only for another week or so. Gymboree 3-6 onesies are a little too big. And this one brand called "Littles" something, well, they are too little. Pants- oh that's a different story. We are in 6-9 month pants, but we have to be careful because if they are too big she will scoot right out of them, or pull the pants off (she has gotten to be very successful at pulling socks off, and then eating them). Hats - to fit her huge melon? Not sure about that one.
My new endeavors:
- Just went to another consignment sale to get some random items that she didn't have. Let me tell you, this girl has PLENTY of clothes, but she is in a strange size. We had plenty of 3-6 month sleepers, and 6-12 month sleepers, but no 6-9 month sizes. So I got a few of those to fit for now (because if it's one piece it has to be the next size up for her length as of right now).
-Food! Oh gosh she is doing FANTASTIC with eating. She opens her mouth when the spoon is approaching and will "chew" and "swallow"the food. Sometimes food escapes, but it's usually because there was too much on the spoon or she wasn't prepared for the bite. It's gotten much, much "cleaner". At four months she was stripped down to a diaper and required a full bath afterwards because there were sweet potatoes everywhere. Wash behind your ears! But now, we are eating fully clothed and wearing a bib. :)
She has eaten Sweet Potatoes (yum), Green beans (meh, ok), Peaches (What!), Pears (ehk, shiver, yummy), apples (DELICIOUS!). She eats rice cereal in the morning at school, and then eats an entire container of the baby food mixed with a little bit of rice cereal to give it some texture.
I have decided to try making my own baby food- we will see how long this lasts/how she likes the food. Tonight I made zucchini, squash, and pears. The texture of the food I made is very similar to the gerber baby food + rice cereal she has been eating, so she should be fine. Hope it tastes okay. (PS: I had a pear for the first time. Baby is letting momma branch out!)
I made 13 bottles of baby food. Enough for almost 2 weeks. All of that came from one zucchini, two squash and two pears! I decided to give it a try for two reasons.
1. To save money. Baby food is expensive.
2. Fresh fruits and veggies are the best for everyone- and no preservatives or crazy ingredients. Who knows what gerber puts in their green beans, but it gives poor Cadence a rash :(
It's for that exact same reason that I am going to try and breastfeed as close to 1 year as possible. It's best for her and for me, and it also saves money!! (Baby formula is expensive!!!) I've got a pretty good freezer supply going, maybe about 3.5 gallon size bags full of breastmilk freezer bags. Pretty good amount I'd say, maybe enough for 3-4 weeks of bottles. Especially if she starts eating more "baby food" during the day.
Okay, I think that's all I can formulate tonight. It's late- but I wanted to get some stuff down before it became six months! :)
(P.S.: we are working to get a six month photo session scheduled, and will hopefully be able to have mommy & daddy both there that morning so we can have family pictures!)
Love to all. Happy almost easter!
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