He said that her hip felt really good. In order to make a final decision, he wanted a final ultrasound to compare to her previous one to look at the healing. So they made an appointment for us and we drove down the road to Raleigh Radiology to get the ultrasound. Cadence was such a good girl for the sonographer- she slept the whole time. Everyone in the office said she was such a sweetie. Of course!! The sonographer and the pediatric radiologist said the hips looked good. Because she was PASSED OUT and completely relaxed, both of her hips appeared to measure really "loose". She said babies normally scream during the ultrasound. Cadence is awesome and was a great baby. She always is :)
The orthopedic called me back today and said that we can continue the brace only at night, and we are DONE WITH THE BRACE after 2 more weeks. So before she turns 3 months old, we are DONE! No more brace after that. Not even at night. Lovely! :)
I can honestly say I am SO VERY THANKFUL! God has blessed us - we have an amazing sweet little baby, and she is very healthy.
We have worked out a daycare in Raleigh- she will be going to Rex's "Child development center". I have heard rave reviews of this center (Nana's coworkers, friends, and family members have used this daycare). I went last week and met the teachers, saw Cadence's new friends, and explored her new surroundings. I will be a mix of emotions on January 21 as I take her to daycare that first day, but I know she will be in good hands.
It's going to be an interesting transition. I'm definitely ready to go back to work- I like the schedule and consistency, and the feeling of accomplishment. For example, today we were up at 5:00, then napped from 7-10am. After I fed her, fed myself, showered, fed her, changed her (she had a major blowout), did some laundry, paid some bills, fed her and folded some laundry...... I really haven't accomplished much. I'm excited to be around adults, and get back into the swing of things. Assuming I haven't forgotten everything in 3 months and I still know how to be a Physical Therapist. I have to adjust to the new role of "rehab manager", and learn new things with the change in scenery. HOWEVER: I am going to miss my baby. Seeing her sweet face every hour, and I know everyone is going to miss pictures I can take and send immediately.
She surprised me the other morning. I had her on her playmat as I took a quick shower, and I popped my head out to check on her. She had rolled onto her side! WHOA baby! She loves to play with her hands in front of her face. If she doesn't have a paci in her mouth and she isn't "talking to daddy" (cooing or smiling her huge gummy smile), then she is trying to put her entire fist in her mouth. Not a thumb, not a finger, she sucks on her entire fist. Oh my little lady.
Some pictures to hold you over :)
Goodnight everyone! :)
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