By the time he returned from his 4 mile run, my contractions were 7 minutes apart. We called the office, and spoke to our midwife- she recommended I try to relax and seek comfort and call her back when contractions were 3-5 minutes apart. A relaxing bath helped ease the pain, and JR was able to get our "last minute" items packed and ready to go. After I got out of the bath, the contractions were closer together and I was having difficulty getting dressed. After the contractions I tried to relax, but JR told me that I needed to hurry and get dressed before the next contraction started. I told him that I could go to the hospital naked, they wouldn't care. But I was finally able (with much assistance) to get dressed. Within 45 minutes of our initial call to the OB, my contractions were 4 minutes apart. We called the midwife back, and she said she'd meet us at the hospital. Approximately 6:45 pm.
So we loaded up the car- suitcases were already packed. Johnathan made sure I was comfortable and ready to go. We headed across town- contractions in the car were not very comfortable. You don't really have control over anything, and the baby is pushing down, so you feel like you're about to leak all kinds of crazy fluid (don't worry I, of course, was prepared and had a towel ready to sit on).
Down Arlington Blvd- got caught at a few stoplights. My fantastic husband was driving cautiously and not hitting the bumps in the road. We come up on Evans.. and see the next big obstacle.... the train tracks. Everpresent in my life, we had always joked that the train would stop us short while we were headed to the hospital in labor. The bars were up, so the coast looked clear. I wasn't going to jinx the situation by making a comment, but JR busted out and said "Looks like we lucked out!". We were less than a quarter mile from the tracks. Red flashing lights, and the bars come down. Second car in line, the train had successfully managed to catch me - again. Luckily it was a short train, but it did drive forwards, then reverse onto the next track. We were stopped maybe 8 minutes- during which time I only experienced two contractions, so it wasn't terrible. JR was about to fabricate a grenade out of thin air to speed the train up, threatening to get out of the car and yell at the conductor. There was no way to turn around, we just had to wait patiently.
So we finally made it to the hospital. I had prepared a copy of my insurance card, drivers license, and pre-written my admittance check to the hospital. I handed the receptionist my information (who was impressed at my organization). She said "I will call your physician", and I explained that I had already made the call, and that's when the midwife walked through the doors and said "I will see you in the room Amanda!!!". This was approximately 7:30 pm.
Registration took longer than necessary- I can only imagine how much longer it would have taken had I not been prepared. The nurse lead the way to the "traige room" - where they hook you to monitors and check your dilation. There was another girl that came in about five minutes after my arrival, but my contractions were closer together so the nurse focused her care in my direction (good thing too, because my contracitons were pretty painful). The midwife came in and checked - yep, almost 4cm dilated. Contractions 2-3 minutes apart, and she said "they're pretty strong". Oh yeah, not how I would have described them. They were painful. With multiple explictives.
In order to have an epidural, you have to receive IV fluids prior to insertion of the epidural to make sure that you're adequately hydrated. So the labor and delivery (L&D) triage nurse tried to start my IV- twice. Didn't work. Once they had my paperwork ready, I was wheeled (in an uncomfortable transport chair) to my L&D room. Our night nurse had just come on shift, Meagan. She was fantastic. Got me comfortable in the hospital bed, asked my medical history quesitons. Of course, I had prepared a list of my medications and strengths for her, so I handed that to her. She said I was an awesome patient. Hooked up two bands around my stomach, one to monitor Cadence's heart rate, and one to monitor my contractions. She started my IV fluids and asked if I wanted pain medications (yes!). That was the best thing. They made me so happy, I'm sure JR thought I was crazy. I could still feel the pressure of the contractions, but they weren't painful. :)
The anesthiologist came to start my epidural. Maybe 9:00 pm? I sat on the side of the bed, and he explained that I needed to sit very still. I understand the importance of sitting still for epidurals, it's a needle going near your spine. It would have been nice, however, if he had told me when he was going to stab me. I jumped a little, to which he replied "I need you to sit very still please". I wanted to have a smartass reply, but the happy-drip was working so I just rolled my eyes.
Once the epidural was in, I couldn't feel the contractions at all. Now that was the best thing ever. What wasn't fun: the shakes. Some people have uncontrollable shaking when they have epidurals. It's not detrimental, just a side effect. Of course, I have that side effect. I'm shaking uncontrollably, apparently making jokes. I remember Meagan and JR laughing, and she kept saying "You guys are the best patients ever". Because of the epidural, they were able to put in my cathether (you can't feel your contractions, but you also can't control your bladder. So they control it for you!). The midwife came in and said "lets break your water" to get the party started. Didn't feel that. Fantastic! 7 cm dilated. Here we go!
They were monitoring Cadence's heart rate, and it suddenly went from the 120's (normal for infants) to the 80s (not good for infants). Time to get that back up. So I had to roll over onto all fours into a four-point position so they could rotate and try to get her out of distress. I had no clothes on except a hospital gown. So fannie in the air. Not so bad, it was just JR, nurse, midwife and I. Or so I thought- apparently 20 people rushed into the room to help assess the situation- fannie in the air. Hope they enjoyed the show!
Once they rotated (I'm assuming, I couldn't feel or see what was going on) her in my belly, her heart rate jumped back up and I was allowed to roll back over. Which is difficult, because I couldn't feel/control my legs. They monitored her heart rate for the next little while, and things were looking good. Midwife re-checked my dilation, and I was still only 7cm. They could have given me a drug "Pitosin" to progress the contractions/dilation, but didn't feel comfortable doing that due to Cadence's heart rate drop previously. So they called in the physician (OB).
Options: Do a cesarian section now, it would be "planned" with less risk of distress on myself and Cadence. Or, if we try to wait it out and progress with vaginal delivery, Cadence could potentially go into stress again and they may have to do an emergency c-section. So for Cadence's and my own safety, we took the physicians recommendations and went for a planned c-section. They prepped me for surgery, JR got gowned up and ready to come in to the OR. Time - estimate around midnight, 10-25-12.
I remember transferring over from the hospital bed to the OR table. I told them I was sorry that I wasn't helping with the transfer. I understood the logistics, I just couldn't move my legs very well. I was able to use my arms though, and I put them to good use. They were impressed I was able to help so much. Benefit of being a PT. :)
Draped, covered, and prepped- surgery began. JR did so good- we had discussed what would happen if we had to persue a c-section and he wasn't so sure he would be able to go into the OR. When the doctor presented the options and I was getting prepped for surgery, he was ready to go and didn't even question if he would be able to make it. They had a chair ready for him in the OR, and the midwife was in there keeping him company (or maybe keeping an eye on him, he did mention he was a little nauseous). :-P
They were able to get Cadence out safely- and JR said it was an image similar to when simba was held up in front of the kingdom in "Lion King". Circle of life right? They held her up, and I heard that sweet little cry. Chubby cheeks little baby weighed 7 lbs, 14.5 oz and measured 20 inches long. Time: 12:48 AM. JR went over and was able to cut the cord (another thing he said he wouldn't be able to do - I'm so proud of my husband!!!) and help and watch as Cadence got her first bath. He held her and brought her over, and I was finally able to see our sweet daughter- that's when I realized there were tears streaming down my face. (I said I wasn't going to cry! Guess JR and I both broke our own perceptions of what birth was going to be like!!!) My heart was instantly filled, two things that I didn't think that could happen - 1. Intense, instant love for my daughter. Like a hole had been in my heart and she filled it, instantly. 2. Warmth and what felt like double the love for my husband, as I saw him looking into her eyes and saw how much he instantly loved our daughter too.
Fast forward and we are in PACU (the recovery room). I don't remember how we got there, it was magic. Meagan was in the recovery room, and it was nice to have a friendly face. In the OR, it's hard to tell who everyone is with the face-masks on. There were a lot of people in the OR that I didn't know. But I focused on JR and the midwife (that's about all I could see anyway). In the recovery room, I was able to finally sit up (with the hospital bed, of course), and hold Cadence. First attempt at breastfeeding was a little difficult, but it's probably because I wasn't quite alert after the surgery. I took a few pictures, face-timed with my mom (Nana had a conference in Vegas, and wasn't able to come to the hospital. So we were able to phone chat and she got to meet her grand-daughter!).
The next thing I remember, we headed to the recovery floor (1 west). Time- I think it was about 2:30 or 3AM. That's about all I remember until the next morning, around 7AM. Johnathan went home, then visitors started to arrive.
Even though we had planned on a vaginal delivery, the c-section went smoothly and with no kinks. When they were in surgery, they found that the cord was wrapped around her neck, and was also kinked around one of her legs. So more than likely, a vaginal delivery would not have been successful. Because we did the section "early", I only have an abdominal surgery to recover from. I don't have any issues sitting or using the rest-room, which is definitely a plus.
Overall, the labor and delivery process was not terrible. I don't want to go through it again tomorrow (it's a week and half out from surgery that I'm now blogging), because my incision is still sore and I have some difficulty moving around- but overall I'm doing pretty well. I love love love our little lady, and she is beautiful. Everyone tells me that she is a beautiful girl, which of course is absolutely true, I couldn't agree more!
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