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Friday, July 20, 2012

Generation gap

Okay so maybe I have already blogged about this- maybe I haven't.

Because I work with older adults, I'm reminded on a daily basis the differences in their lives and my own. For example, one gentleman told me his experience when seeing the first car in his town. Or when they got their first radio, then television etc. I have similar memories... I remember my first computer, first cd player, though mine pale in comparison to what they have seen in 80+ years of life!

Sidetracked again. So pregnancy for a lot f my ladies was not embraced as a "beautiful and natural" thing. Many of my "older ladies" frown on my "maternity wear"- saying that I'm about to pop out of my shirt. And they are horrified to know that I am wearing stretchy pants at work. (they are khakis, with the maternity stretch band at the top). Many of the ladies will point and laugh at my belly- not because they think I'm fat, but because they can see the roundness of my body. And it's pretty funny on me- I am only pregnant in the belly. From behind you can't really tell- then I turn to the side and BOOM there's a basketball.

Overall- many of them approve of my "flowing" maternity tops. 9/9 comments today went along the lines of "oh, it's the last day for that shirt" or "when are you going to start wearing maternity clothes?". They think I'm wearing regular shirts. Haha!!!

Another thing that gets mixed reviews- the thought of me coming back to work. They like the fact that I'm taking a 3 month maternity leave, but scoff when I talk about returning after said Leave. It's very interesting to hear the many life stories of the ladies- some were housewives from the start. Some were career bound, but quit when they had children. Again, different times! So very interesting.

In other news- my belly is looking pretty good. Despite its paleness from being hidden under a maternity bathing suit, the belly skin looks pretty good. No stretch marks (thus far), no visual signs of distress or the rectus-abdominus muscles moving. My belly button is getting flatter (not as deep)- and is proportionate to the "turkey timer"- my belly button will pop out when turkeys done. Haha.

12 weeks to go! I think I can.

Shutout to all my friends who are mommies and mommies-to-be. I have two friends right now that are expecting twins! You go girls!!!

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