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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Six Months

Half a year ago our world was changed. Six short months ago we welcomed baby cadence into this world. I can't believe time has flown by so quickly!

She is moving along great! The cranial helmet has not slowed her down at all- she doesn't mind wearing it. She hates putting it on and taking it off, but she same statement can be said for clothing so it's not isolated- she just doesn't like anything moving on/around her head. Particular!

Stats from her six month appointment:
weight: 15 lbs (50th %tile)
height: 26 in (50th %tile)
head: 98th percentile. Yep- still has a huge noggin!

Eating: She is doing fantastic with foods! Well most foods.... she has shared her aversion to carrots and zucchini (i.e. she SPITS them out on you). She has a pretty good schedule: wakes up around 6:30 and nurses. Goes to school around 7:30, receives breakfast food (either a fruit or oatmeal/rice cereal) and 3 breastmilk bottles at daycare, come home and has a snack of puffs (will explain those later), and a dinner of a vegetable/fruit mix, and nurses before bedtime.

*This morning, little lady decided to be brave. She bit mommy when she was done nursing. It hurt. Quite a lot. The first time it startled me, the second time I knew better. I pulled her back and firmly said "no, that hurts mommy". Poor pouty baby face commenced... with her bottom lip stuck out and quivering and the look of concern between her eyes. It broke my heart. But baby cannot be biting mommy, that is NOT cool. She did well with nursing tonight- no nibbles. We shall see how this story transpires... so far she only has two bottom teeth, but I have a feeling that she will soon be cutting upper teeth. :(

So cereal puffs, we started those last week. She started reaching for her food bowl and if her fingers got in the "dinner", she would then stick them in her mouth. So we got some puffs and laid them out in front of her (they are similar to cheerios, except they are made for younger babies and dissolve quickly once in their mouth, or a sweaty palm). The first time, she reached out and picked up all four puffs in one hand and couldn't figure out how to get them out of her sweaty palm. She has now mastered picking them up with the "three-finger pinch" and can effectively get them to her mouth 100% of the time, and in her mouth and eaten about 80% of the time. We usually find a few on the floor, or stuck to her pants. or her face. or her neck. or her helmet.....

Developmentally she is doing great. She can roll.... across the floor.... She can "belicopter", which is when she rolls over onto her belly and rotate around in a circle. She understands the concept of moving forward (she rocks to one side and trys to get a leg up underneath her), but she doesn't have the strength/coordination to propel herself forward. This is a source of frustration, and she will certainly let you know that she is frustrated. Quite loudly.
She can pick up things with both hands, but will usually reach with her right hand first. She has fed herself a few times with her left hand, but it's mostly her right.
She is almost sitting up. She can lean forward and put weight on her hands, but when she picks something up she loses her balance and will fall to the side.

She is resourceful. She was in her bouncy seat which has birds on a moblie above it. She really wanted to make the birds "fly", but she couldn't reach. So she picked up a rattle, and used it as a device to hit the bird and make it fly. Smart baby. She plays peek a boo well, and if you ask her "where's daddy", she will turn her head to look at places where daddy usually stands. She has said "da-da" a few times, and she likes to call "DADA" when she's upset and wants a cuddle. She is more talkative in the mornings, and likes to say "hey, hey, hey" on the way to school with nana. She does not like it if you don't talk back, so she will say "hey" softly once, and then "HEY" a little firmer to let you know that she wants you to say "hey" back. Sometimes it sounds like she says "yeah", and sometimes she will say "babdadabalababa". She giggles, and it is the cutest thing ever.

She has a boyfriend at school. Baby Josiah, every time they are placed next to each other they will hold hands and play together. His parents refer to Cadence as "his girlfriend", and we even have the teachers calling them boyfriend and girlfriend. It's cute. I think JR is a little concerned, but he's just being protective over his baby girl!

Sleep: oh wow this baby can sleep! She goes to bed around 8:30. Unless she's showing signs of being sleepy earlier. But usually it's around 8:00 - 8:30. And she sleeps until at least 6:30. If she wakes up, she will play with Lucy until I go in to get her in the morning around 6:30. She is such a happy baby in the morning- she smiles and reaches for me when I walk in the room. If she's sleeping and I have to wake her up, she may grumble for a minute, but then will smile and be ready to go.

Her hair is filling in... mid-tone blonde with a hint of red, especially when she's in a bright light or outside in the sun.

We are planning on having six month pictures taken outside this coming sunday- so hopefully the weather cooperates!

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