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Monday, March 26, 2012

Natural glow??

I always thought and have seen other pregnant women that have that beautiful pregnancy glow. I have always wondered what being pregnant would feel like... How it will feel to feel the baby move, how wonderful it will be to know that you have a magical superpower of growing a human inside your body.

Well let me just tell you. I am not glowing. I may be a fancy shade of green, but I'm certainly not glowing. Oh, unless you count the billion zits that have miraculously grown on my face. I can't put anything on them, so they just grow... And multiply. I've thought about getting a facial, but the thought of looking up places to find the best deal and contacting them is simply exhausting to even think about. (and to give you an indication of my stupidness fatigue, I had to re-read what I had written to remind myself what I was complaining about). If you know of a good place please let me know. :)

 Sigh! I just had to do some complaining. I am eternally grateful that I am pregnant, and I really do have some super powers. I have a super-human sense of smell. This can be good: cookies, flowers, fresh air, etc. It can also be detrimental: urine, farts, nasty food cooking.(... The bad smells are 100% at work!). Somehow my belly can multiply the food I ate, creating large amounts for BR to dislike and return. I can somehow turn a "I just need to sit down for two minutes" into a 15 minute break! Yikes.

On a different note. We have obtained a small dresser/night stand FOR FREE! It needs a little deep cleaning TLC, but even JR was impressed with the deal! We don't need any more furniture in living room or baby room, but it was free so I couldn't pass that up! I think (once it is tidied up) about putting it in the upstairs bathroom to hold BR's bath equipment. Thoughts?


  1. Talk to your OB about the zits.. they can write you a prescription for some face cream.. i never used it but i have heard from others that it works really well..

  2. You are an amazing woman and mommy-to-be, who owes herself that 15 minute break at work... that extra cookie... or power nap when you get home from a long stressful day! Thanks for being totally honest and open in your blog - that's so refreshing! Love you, and BR!

    PS Your moms comment made me tear up a bit! However, still on team blue!
